Eye-The International Social Science Review https://theeyepublications.com/index.php/first2 The Eye Publications en-US Eye-The International Social Science Review 2959-5312 A REVIEW ON THE ROLE OF STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP IN CORPORATE STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT https://theeyepublications.com/index.php/first2/article/view/62 <p><em>In addition to examining the difficulties firms have when successfully incorporating strategic leadership throughout their strategy development procedures, this study covers the crucial role that strategic leadership plays in forming corporate strategies. The study uses semi-structured interviews with CEOs, executives, and senior managers from a range of businesses in order to gather data using a qualitative methodology. By highlighting its influence on decision-making, the distribution of resources, and strategy implementation, thematic analysis sheds light on the complex and varied nature of strategic leadership. The results highlight the need for strategic leaders to be emotionally intelligent, analytical thinkers, flexible, and willing to take measured risks. In addition, the paper discusses the mutually reinforcing nature of corporate strategy formulation and strategic leadership, illuminating the competencies and attributes necessary for successful leadership in the framework of strategy formulation. Although strategic leadership is widely recognized as important, businesses frequently find it difficult to include it into the process of formulating their strategies, which results in less-than-ideal strategic decisions. The study adds to the conceptual framework that makes sense of the complex interactions between company strategy and strategic leadership. The study emphasizes the need of having a clear vision, making well-informed decisions, and fostering an innovative and continuous improvement culture as strategic leaders navigate difficult settings. The research findings offer significant perspectives for scholars and professionals that aim to elevate strategic leadership methodologies and elevate overall strategic results.</em></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Muhammad Nawaz Iqbal Syed Hassan Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Eye-The International Social Science Review 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 2 1 1 7 AM I A VICTIM? DOES EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE REGULATES ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE AND JOB INSECURITY LEADING TO JOB SATISFACTION? https://theeyepublications.com/index.php/first2/article/view/97 <p><em>The research has understood the relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction with organizational justice and job insecurity as the mediating variables in the telecommunication sector of Pakistan. The findings suggest that individuals with a higher degree of job emotional intelligence tend to have higher level of job satisfaction. This is especially important keep in mind the mediating variables. The results suggest that individuals with a higher appraisal of emotions tend to have positive perception of organizational justice, which leads to decrease in, job insecurity and increase in job satisfaction. The study has used quantitative method of study to infer the results and draw conclusions. Based on the results it is strongly suggested that organizations in Pakistan specially the HR department needs to have programs and policies designed keeping in mind the emotional quotient of employees since it has a direct impact on their overall job satisfaction. Factors such as perception of organizational justice and job insecurity can also be handled in an amicable and positive manner by employees who have higher level of emotional intelligence. Therefore, EI can have a major role in the overall wellbeing of an organization.</em></p> Shahrukh Nadeem Copyright (c) 2024 Eye-The International Social Science Review 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 2 1 8 19 SINDHI SPEAKERS HAVING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE https://theeyepublications.com/index.php/first2/article/view/95 <p><em>This study investigates the pronunciation problems while speaking English, faced by the speakers who have Sindhi as their first language. Fifteen university students were selected as research participants. The research has been conducted through the use of qualitative methods. Audio recordings have been used as the research instruments, while the data has been descriptively analyzed. The findings revealed that the Sindhi speakers having English as a second language face numerous pronunciation problems, such as incorrectly articulating longer words compared to shorter ones. The findings also revealed that these speakers replace longer vowels with shorter ones, as well as doing the opposite in some cases, also demonstrating confusion between the consonants such as /s/ and /z/. Problems while shifting from one vowel to another, in order to pronounce Diphthongs, were also observed, while it was claimed by the speakers themselves that in their opinion their native tongue, as well as the incorrect pronunciation demonstrated by their teachers are the primary reasons for their incorrect articulation of the English words.</em></p> Hamza Rehan Kashif Musani Waqas Bin Dilshad Copyright (c) 2024 Eye-The International Social Science Review 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 2 1 20 29 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR TOWARDS PAPER BAGS DURING SHOPPING: A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON PAKISTANI GROCERY CONSUMERS https://theeyepublications.com/index.php/first2/article/view/98 <p><em>Existing theories hardly focused on Pakistani grocery store consumers attitudes toward paper bags. The use of paper bags in Pakistani grocery stores is discussed in this research, as well as how it may persuade consumers to use them or what effect they may have on the local environment. Initiatives to use paper bags contribute to a reduction in pollution in the nation. The study's goal is to raise consumer awareness about the need to switch away from plastic bags. According to the findings of this study, people's lifestyles will alter. Paper bags can replace plastic bags, which will cut down on their consumption. Paper bags will help keep the environment clean and less polluted. The main focus of this issue is the implementation of paper bags in the grocery sector. This article is divided into various sections that each cover in depth all information related to the topic. The study on the use of paper bags for supermarket shopping reveals how consumers behave when using paper bags. In this research paper's literature review, we have shown researcher interviews on the usage of paper bags and also to limit the use of plastic bags. This research is qualitative in nature and involved conducting interviews. This research report also includes a methodology section where we detail all of the individuals from various fields that were interviewed. In order to reduce the usage of plastic, this paper discusses how paper bags are used in everyday shopping and human behavior.</em></p> Sheikh Abdul Qadir Fareed Muhammad Nawaz Iqbal Copyright (c) 2024 Eye-The International Social Science Review 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 2 1 30 37 ANALYSIS ON THE EFFECTS OF COVID-19 ON THE EDUCATION SYSTEM AND ITS RESPONSE: A LITERATURE REVIEW https://theeyepublications.com/index.php/first2/article/view/96 <p><em>Globally, the school sector has been significantly impacted by the Covid-19 epidemic. One of the first steps governments took to stop the virus's spread was to shut down schools, colleges, and institutions. More than 1.5 billion pupils were impacted as a consequence, which disrupted study and forced the cancellation of examinations. The results of pupils' learning have been significantly impacted by school closures. Students who do not have access to computers or the internet are unable to take part in online learning. Therefore, this crisis requires urgent attention and concerted action by all governments, stakeholders and society. The Covid- 19 pandemic is affecting education at all levels. Educational institutions around the world (192 countries) have either quickly entered or forcibly closed regions, affecting an estimated 1.7 billion people worldwide. Therefore, this paper aims to explore and highlight the implications and challenges of moving from physical education to online learning in the context of the Covid- 19 pandemic in developing countries.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Marium Asif Ayesha Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Eye-The International Social Science Review 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 2 1 38 45