Priority-The International Business Review en-US (Editor PTIBR) (Assistant Editor PTIBR) Sat, 06 Jul 2024 05:17:04 +0000 OJS 60 STRUCTURAL APPROACH TO SMARTPHONE USAGE INTENSITY AND BEHAVIORS <p><em>The usage of smartphone phone has grown drastically in the last few years and the way its growing it can be assumed that it will become one of the most used products at mass level. It is noted that there is high concentration of smartphone phone with high penetration of it in some areas of the world. Smartphones are enhanced devices having high end converging features whose interactive features and characteristics promote people to have higher usage, thus there has been little information and empirically evident research in relation to behaviors and their relationship with smartphone usage intensity, therefore this study focuses around to identify which behavior further intensify the smartphone usage.The questionnaire was made on google docs and adminstered online through social media amongst the smartphone users. Sample size of 400 was selected for this study. The developed model was tested through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) on AMOS. Initially, all the variables went through individual factor loadings and then after it overall model was tested. The final analysis was drawn after model fitting and from the regression weights produced after model run. Out of six behavior types it was found that smartphone usage is further intensified because of habitual behavior along with voluntary behavior.</em></p> Noman Mahmood, Tariq Jalees Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY ADAPTATION IN OPTIMIZING SUPPLY CHAIN PRACTICES FOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN PAKISTAN'S TEXTILE INDUSTRY <p><em>This research paper investigates the impact of supply chain practices and technology adaptation on the competitive advantage of Pakistan's textile industry. Through a quantitative approach, data was collected from various textile companies in Pakistan using surveys and statistical analysis. Conducted over the course of one month in a natural setting without disrupting normal work processes, the study employed purposive sampling to select participants from the Pakistani textile manufacturing sector. Of the 600 questionnaires distributed, 165 responses were collected, with 40% from women and 60% from men, representing diverse roles within the textile sector. The survey included multiple-choice questions and Likert scale items to assess participants' experiences in achieving competitive advantages through technological adaptation. The findings from direct effect path analysis support hypotheses that customer relationship positively influences flexibility, quality, and technological adaptation. Similarly, information sharing positively impacts flexibility, quality, and technological adaptation. Moreover, technological adaptation positively influences flexibility and quality. The specific indirect effect path analysis reveals that technological adaptation mediates the relationships between customer relationship and flexibility, as well as between information sharing and flexibility. However, technological adaptation does not mediate the relationship between customer relationship and quality. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to assess and test the measurement model's reliability, rationality, convergent validity, and discriminant validity. Bootstrapping in SmartPLS software was applied to examine the relationships between factors. The study underscores the critical role of technological adaptation in leveraging customer relationships and information sharing to improve flexibility, quality, and organizational performance, highlighting the importance of strategic alignment in driving competitive advantage in the textile industry of Pakistan</em>.</p> Syed Qasim Hussain, Romel John, Muhammad Ahtisham ul Haq Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 FACTORS AFFECTING ADOPTION OF CRYPTOCURRENCY IN PAKISTAN: AN APPLICATION OF UTAUT2 MODEL <p><em>Although cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have revolutionized numerous industries, there is still a long way to go before they are widely accepted on an individual level. This study attempts to investigate the variables affecting Pakistani individuals' willingness to use blockchain-based cryptocurrencies. Through the incorporation of external factors like trust and elements from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology2 (UTAUT 2) construct including performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, effort expectancy, social influence, and hedonic motivation. 250 participants took part in a study using SPSS to determine their behavior intentions towards cryptocurrencies. The Finding of the results indicates that performance expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivation and Trust have strong significant relationship with Behavior intention to adopt cryptocurrency. On the other side facilitating condition show weak significance with Behavior intention and effort expectancy have no significant relationship with intention to use. Furthermore, this research also highlights on numerous factors such as institution, importance and further research in domain.</em></p> Huma Abu Bakar, Muhammad Mubeen, Salman Qayyum Galani Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ORGANIZATIONAL DETERMINANT OF WORKPLACE VIOLENCE LEADING TO TURNOVER INTENTION AMONG HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS <p><em>The objective of the research is to evaluate the impact of work stress, interpersonal conflict, efficiency, teamwork, safety climate, and mental health on workplace violence that further had been examined on turnover intention in the employees of Ziauddin, JPMC, Chiniot, and Civil hospital of Karachi, Pakistan. The current research had used quantitative approach for data collection. 402 samples were taken. The data analysis had been performed by applying PLS-SEM using SmartPLS 3.2.8. The results have showed that work stress have a positive and insignificant effect on workplace violence. The interpersonal conflict has a positive and significant effect on workplace violence. The efficiency has a negative and significant effect on workplace violence. The teamwork has a negative and significant effect on workplace violence. The safety climate has a negative and significant effect on workplace violence. The mental health has a positive and significant effect on workplace violence. The workplace violence has a positive and significant effect on turnover intention. The managers/supervisors need to recognize poor workers that are the root cause of workplace violence and provide them with soft skills instruction, such as relationship management, work time and stress management, and growth of personalities. This research by investigating the factors that contribute to turnover intention gives insight into workplace violence. Besides, the research can play a role in guiding, establishing and introduce effective practices in their hospitals, which can minimize the turnover intention and workplace violence in the industry.</em></p> Waqas Bin Dilshad, Rabia Sabri, Sabah Noor, Ayesha Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MACROECONOMIC DYNAMICS: UNRAVELING VOLATILITY PATTERNS IN THE PAKISTAN STOCK EXCHANGE USING E-GARCH <p><em>This study explores the dynamics of Pakistan's equity market, specifically the PSX 100 index between January 2010 and December 2018. Using the E-GARCH model, it investigates how global and domestic macroeconomic variables affect equity returns volatility. Descriptive statistics highlight key variable characteristics, such as negative skewness and leptokurtosis in PSX returns. Stationary tests confirm the lack of trends, supporting the use of time series modeling. The EGARCH model reveals volatility asymmetries, suggesting that positive shocks result in less volatility than negative shocks. Granger causality tests uncover one-way relationships, indicating the influence of oil, gold, and exchange rates on PSX return volatility. These findings have implications for risk management and decision-making. Future research may explore external factors' impact and assess model robustness across different time frames.</em></p> Abdul Jawad, Kashif Arif, Zeba Shariff Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EVALUATING THE IMPACT OF ANTECEDENTS ON EMPLOYEE TURNOVER IN THE BANKING SECTOR OF PAKISTAN <p><em>Previous researches has rarely examined the relation between employees’ practices of HRM, organizational culture, work-life balance and turnover intention among other factors in developing countries like Pakistan. This has created a huge academic and research vacuum which needs to be addressed through greater attention and more research inputs in management studies</em><em>. This research aimed at unraveling the intricacies of employee turnover within the banking sector to inform evidence-based interventions and foster organizational sustainability. Quantitative methodology has been adopted for this research and data collected through purposive sampling. According to results obtained through Smart PLS SEM, All three hypotheses have been supported by the SEM model. The relation between employee retention and organization’s culture is indeed true. Additionally, the study also showed support for the relationship between work life balance and intention to stay. HRM Practices was identified as a major influence. </em></p> Raees Zaheer, Muhammad Nawaz Iqbal, Usman Ghani Chishti Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 RISK MANAGEMENT AND TEAM COMMUNICATION TOWARDS PROJECT SUCCESS IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY OF PAKISTAN <p><em>The research examined the role of project risk management (PRM) and team communication on project success in Pakistan's construction industry and the mediating role of top management support (TMS). 197 responses have been collected from the stakeholders of construction projects and questionnaire survey was employed as the data collection method, while PLS-SEM approach was used for data analysis. The finding revealed that PRM positively and significantly affects project success. Similarly, team communication has a positive and significant effect on project success. Also, the study found that TMS positively and significantly moderates the relationship between PRM and project success. However, the study suggested that construction firms should increase project success by addressing risk management failure and inadequate communication among the project delivery team. In addition, it states that the top management fully backs such efforts to ensure that they are most effective and successful, making management involvement supportive of any project's</em> success.</p> Muhammad Hussain, Usman Ahmad, Ahmed Saeed Minhas Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MITIGATING NEGATIVE PERCEPTIONS TOWARDS CPEC THROUGH AI-DRIVEN COMMUNICATION, COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND TRANSPARENCY <p><em>This research investigates the potential of AI-driven communication strategies to enhance transparency, create trust, and improve stakeholder engagement in </em><em>the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor </em><em>(CPEC) to confront the obstacles presented by negative perceptions. This study gathered data from 211 residents of the Baluchistan and Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) provinces who are directly or indirectly associated with CPEC programs. This research utilized quantitative techniques and PLS-SEM to analyze the data. The findings of the study show that community engagement (CE) has a vital role in addressing the negative perception concerns (NPC) related to CPEC projects. As can be seen, transparency (TR) has a considerable influence in enhancing community engagement and, therefore, addressing adverse impressions. Nonetheless, there is very little association between communication (COM) and CE, as well as negative perception directly. In the study, the moderating role of artificial intelligence (AI) is also investigated, and the findings indicate that communication significantly determines the engagement of the community, and the presence of AI increases the effect of communication on community engagement. However, it does not moderate the relationship between transparency and community engagement. Such results emphasize the role of information disclosure and AI-mediated communication in engaging local communities and mitigating concerns regarding large infrastructure ventures.</em></p> Aamir Shahzad, Lubna Sunawar Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 GREEN ETHICAL LEADERSHIP, EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT, AND GREEN CREATIVITY TOWARDS GREEN BEHAVIORS IN THE FMCG SECTOR <p><em>The study has aimed to investigate the impact of green, ethical leadership, employee engagement with green initiatives, and green creativity on in-role and extra-role green behavior with the moderating effect of psychological safety in FMCG companies in Pakistan. The information has been gathered from the employees of the FMCG firms in Pakistan with a green policy in operation. In total, the responses obtained from all the respondents combined to reach 417. Hence, PLS-SEM was deemed appropriate for the research. Thus, the present research findings suggest that In-Role Green Behavior (IRGB) has a positive but insignificant relationship with Extra-Role Green Behavior (ERGB). In the study, Green Ethical Leadership (GEL) has a positive relationship and was significantly related to IRGB and ERGB. A positive and significant relationship persists between Employee Engagement with Green Initiatives (EEGI) and IRGB, but there is a negative and insignificant relationship between EEGI and ERGB. Green creativity (GC) has a significant and positive impact on both the constructs, namely, IRGB and ERGB. Also, IRGB, to an insignificant extent, mediates the association between GEL, EEGI, GC, and ERGB. Finally, psychological safety, PS, has a significant and positive interaction with IRGB on ERGB. The research has suggested that green, ethical leadership and green creativity should be encouraged by managers, and employees should be encouraged to participate in green activities fully to display both in-role and extra-role green behavior.</em></p> Mehrin Farhan Shaikh, Ambreen Ramzan, Syeda Tehreem Mahrukh Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ROLE OF GLOBALIZATION TOWARDS INFLATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX (HDI) IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES <p><em>The research examines globalization's effect on inflation and HDI in developing countries. According to the endogenous growth theory and dependency theory, the data is collected from World Development Indicators, United Nations Development Program, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, and International Financial Statistics databases for the period from 1990 to 2023 and ARDL is used for data analysis. The result revealed that KOF has a positive and insignificant effect on inflation. GDP has a negative and insignificant effect on inflation. ER also has a positive and insignificant effect on inflation. The study also showed that KOF, GDP, and ER positively and significantly affect HDI. Also, this study is helpful for policymakers as it demonstrates that while globalization has a very positive impact on raising HDI, its impact on inflation is almost insignificant and, therefore, offers information on how the impact of globalization can be harnessed for better human development outcomes.</em></p> Muhammad Maqbool Ur-Rahman, Mustafa Hyder Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EFFECT OF ABUSIVE SUPERVISION ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: MEDIATING ROLE OF EMPLOYEE RESILIENCE <p><em>This study examines the complex associations between abusive supervision, employee resilience, and employee performance in organizational settings. While earlier research has primarily focused on the direct negative effects of abusive supervision, this particular study suggests and checks a mediation model wherein employee resilience shows a crucial role in the relationship between abusive supervision and employee performance. Using a cross-sectional design, Data was gathered from employees at various universities in Karachi. The measurement model demonstrated strong reliability and validity for all constructs. Structural equation modeling was employed to test the hypothesized relationships. Results reveal that abusive supervision has a significant negative effect on employee resilience (β = -0.355, p &lt; 0.001), while employee resilience strongly and positively influences employee performance (β = 0.753, p &lt; 0.001). Interestingly, a small but significant positive direct effect of abusive supervision on employee performance was observed (β = 0.147, p &lt; 0.001). The study finds that employee resilience partially mediates the relationship between abusive supervision and employee performance, with a significant negative indirect effect (β = -0.268, p &lt; 0.001). These findings contribute to the literature by highlighting the critical role of employee resilience in the workplace and revealing a more complex dynamic between abusive supervision and performance than previously understood. The study underscores the importance of fostering employee resilience and addressing abusive supervision in organizations. It also opens new avenues for research on the nuanced effects of leadership behaviors on employee outcomes. The study's limitations include its cross-sectional design and dependence on self-report measures. Future research directions include longitudinal studies, exploration of additional mediating mechanisms, and investigation of contextual factors that may influence these relationships.</em></p> Farah Naz, Muhammad Shahnawaz Adil Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 INVESTIGATING FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENTS’ WORK READINESS FOR THE JOB MARKET <p><em>Worldwide research has indicated that recruiters are not satisfied with the skills and competencies that employees especially graduates come up with. Megatrends like globalization and technological advancements such as the fourth industrial revolution are reshaping the workplace environment. Skills that were thought of as most important before are not perceived as important in today’s world. The unemployment rate among youth is also increasing in Pakistan. This scenario stresses stakeholders specifically, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to focus and investigate the factors that affect students’ work readiness for the job market. It is proposed in this study that the factors that positively influence and enhance the students’ work readiness are discipline-specific knowledge, emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, self-management skills, career development skills, and transferable generic skills. The investigation of the impact of these factors on students’ work readiness is the aim of this study. The population of this study consists of students in the final year of Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) in Sindh, Pakistan. The cluster sampling technique is used to draw the sample, while the calculated sample size is 377. Data is collected through self-administered survey questionnaires from the Higher Education Institutions, and analyzed using PLS-SEM. The results of this study show that, all the factors positively impact students’ work readiness for the job market but career development skills impact negatively. It is recommended that students, Higher Education Institutions, and governments should focus on these determinants to enhance work readiness. Furthermore, it is directed for future research that these factors should be investigated in country contexts with mixed methodology. In addition, more research is directed to investigate the impact of career development skills on students’ work readiness so that the picture would become clearer.</em></p> Sadia Saeed, Saima Kamran Pathan, Nizamuddin Channa Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 UNDERSTANDING BEHAVIORAL, DECISION-MAKING, AND MOTIVATIONAL DRIVERS AMONG SELF-EMPLOYED INDIVIDUALS IN KARACHI <p><em>This research investigates into the intricate dynamics of self-employment by examining the perceptions, behaviors, decision-making approaches, and motivational drivers among self-employed individuals based in Karachi, Pakistan. Through a qualitative investigation, this study explores the multifaceted nature of self-employment, shedding light on how individuals perceive and navigate the challenges and opportunities inherent in entrepreneurial endeavors. By analyzing the daily lives of self-employed individuals, their reactions to various situations, and their relationship with the myriad aspects of self-employment, this research provides valuable insights into the mindset and practices of this unique demographic. Moreover, the study uncovers the motivational drivers that propel individuals to pursue self-employment, elucidating the underlying factors that influence entrepreneurial aspirations and sustain entrepreneurial endeavors. This comprehensive analysis contributes to a deeper understanding of self-employment phenomena and offers implications for policymaking, entrepreneurial education, and support initiatives aimed at fostering self-employment and economic development.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Imran Azeem, Waheed Akber Khaskheli, Irfan Ghaffar Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PAKISTAN’S DEMOCRACY AND ROLE OF EUROPEAN UNION <p><em>This article aims to explore the EU's role in building and strengthening democratic institutions in Pakistan. It examines the concept of diffuse democracy and its applicability to the EU's structure and investigates the accountability mechanisms implemented by the EU. Additionally, the article analyzes the demand for more democratic control and accountability in Western democracies and explores whether the EU has developed a new model of democracy known as "diffuse democracy." In recent years, there has been a growing demand for more democratic control and accountability in western democracies. This demand has led to an increase in mechanisms of control over political bodies and institutions, as well as a diversification of these mechanisms. The EU is at the forefront of these changes, with many policy-makers and scholars believing that it is leading to a renewal of democracy. However, as the EU is not a state and does not have classic institutional devices such as parliamentary or presidential regimes, it relies on diffuse mechanisms of democratic control. These mechanisms, while not efficient enough to be considered fully democratic, aim to promote democratic values and principles in Pakistan. EU has been making efforts to build and strengthen democratic institutions in Pakistan, a country in its developmental phase. These efforts include supporting the establishment of independent judiciaries, upholding the rule of law, and promoting public awareness and support for political matters. The EU's approach to building democratic institutions in Pakistan aligns with the concept of diffuse democracy, which emphasizes accountability mechanisms and democratic control over political bodies.</em></p> Munazza Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE IMPACT OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INVESTMENT ON THE GROWTH OF SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES <p><em>This study illustrates the impact of Public and Private Investment on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Pakistan. The study observes the relationship of public and private investment on the growth of SMEs and it also investigates the association of Government expenditure with SMEs in the short run and long run respectively. For achieving the purpose of the study Auto Regressive Distributed Lag approach is employed. The results show that the impact of public and private investment on the growth of SMEs is significant and positive. Moreover, government expenditures also have a positive and significant contribution to the growth of SMEs. Investment and government expenditures are supposed to be the most important determinants in SME growth for Pakistan.</em></p> Aamir Hussain Siddiqui, Ehsan Ahmed Shaikh, Uroosa Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 FROM OCEAN TO ECONOMY: A REVIEW ON GROSS MARINE PRODUCTION IN RELATION TO THE GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT <p><em>The study aims to analyses the impact of gross marine production in relation to the gross domestic product, focusing on the economic contributions of marine industries, sustainability challenges, and integration of environmental metrics into economic analysis. Based on previous literature and reports of 2023-2024, the study has calculated the GMP, and formulization has been done. The evaluation method used at the initial stage consisted of screening titles and abstracts. The research unveiled that gross marine production contributes to the national GDPs appreciably, especially for countries located in coastal or sea line areas. However, sustainable management is also important so that economic development can occur and the physical environment is not destroyed. Marine industries can only be fitted into these broader economic development frameworks for long-term gains while tackling ecological questions. The study has recommended that the government encourage and support environmentally responsible marine activities, support the development of new marine technologies and industries, and enhance the coherence of regulatory systems. </em></p> Urooj Aijaz, Hassan Daud Butt, Saghir Pervaiz Ghauri Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PATHWAYS TO EQUALITY: E-RECRUITMENT, SOCIAL-MEDIA, AND GENDER BALANCE <p><em>This study explores the vital intersection of e-recruitment and gender equality, a key pillar of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established in 2015. With an emphasis on SDG 5—Gender Equality—this research examines the impact of online recruitment practices in fostering gender parity within the workforce, with a particular emphasis on the moderating role of social media. Drawing from previous studies, this paper examines major oil and gas marketing companies in Pakistan, uncovering a significant correlation between e-recruitment and gender equality. However, findings divulge that while social media plays a role, its impact on this relationship is partial, signifying that other factors of exploration may also contribute to enhancing gender diversity in the employment processes. These insights provide valuable inferences for organizations aiming to achieve gender balance through digital recruitment strategies, particularly in the context of emerging markets.&nbsp; </em></p> Iftikhar Hussain, Muhammad Shahnawaz Adil Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 UNSPOKEN CHALLENGES: SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND ITS IMPACT ON SOCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL LIFE OF FEMALE NURSES IN KARACHI <p><em>Sexual harassment poses a deep challenge in Pakistan, especially in environments where women may face distinctive vulnerabilities. This study delves into the experiences of female nurses in government hospitals in Karachi, assessing how different forms of harassment impact their professional life, mental health, and overall well-being. Employing a qualitative methodology, twenty female nurses from major government hospital in Karachi shared personal narratives of harassment, offering insights into the prevalence and nature of these incidents, a thematic analysis approach was adopted to identify and analyze the key findings. The findings indicate that entrenched societal norms, in which men occupy dominant positions of authority, perpetuate a culture of power imbalance, thereby reinforcing the vulnerability of women in the workplace and stifling their ability to address harassment. Participants reported a broad range of adverse effects, ranging from psychological distress to professional limitations and social isolation. These experiences underscore an urgent need for reform at both the institutional and societal levels. To promote a safer workplace, the study emphasizes the importance of raising awareness, enhancing reporting mechanisms, and strengthening policies that specifically support female healthcare professionals. Furthermore, this study calls for comprehensive policy interventions and organizational efforts to empower women in Pakistan’s healthcare sector. Addressing these challenges holistically could not only improve workplace safety for female nurses but also set a precedent for wider societal change in safeguarding women’s rights and dignity.</em></p> Irfan Ghaffar, Imran Azeem, Waheed Akbar Khaskheli, Maha Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF POLITICAL SKILLS ON ORGANIZATIONAL ENGAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR <p><em>One of the most significant yet understudied literary subjects is political skill, which has recently received the attention it deserves. The current study examines how political acumen is a crucial component of constructive behavior and organizational engagement. Three questions were posed in the current study in order to determine the effects of political skills on employee engagement, how the organization's political skills affect employees' positive behavior, and how political skills affect employee satisfaction and loyalty. Saunders' research onion technique was employed in the study. A descriptive research approach is used in this study. The study's findings showed a strong correlation between organizational engagement and political skill, which in turn affects constructive behavior. Organizations are fundamentally political arenas. It is assumed that while intelligence and hard work are important factors in performance, effectiveness, and success, other factors like placement, savvy, and social skills are also crucial</em></p> Danish Hussain, Muhammad Shahnawaz Adil Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A STUDY OF MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS AFFECTING INVESTMENT DECISION BY HOUSEHOLD WOMEN IN PAKISTAN <p><em>The study has been carried out on the effect of financial literacy on the women’s financial decisions, lifestyle and future planning. The basic purpose of this study is to find out the awareness level of financial matters in household educated women so that they can effectively contribute to the financial development of country’s economy. To ascertain the financial literacy level in Pakistan’s household women we carried out a survey of 395 educated household women of different regions belonging from different financial and educational backgrounds. The final results showed very lower level of financial knowledge in women. This study indicates that most of the women in spite of having higher educational background don’t aware of basic financial literacy.&nbsp; Women having adequate level of education in their discipline are not able to take better financial decision because they have not the financial perspective which is necessary for the men and women. The R square value score below 0.7 which is 50% of the acceptance level. Although household women are commonly educated in Pakistan and have higher literacy level but their financial decision making is quietly miserable. The findings of this study suggest that women should be given necessary financial education in schools and universities with their respective courses under study so that not only women will avail benefit by their investment decisions but also the economy as a whole.&nbsp; </em></p> Rabia Saghir, Nousheen Abbas Naqvi Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 FEMALE ENTREPRENEURSHIP: EXPLORING THE INTERPLAY OF MOTIVATION, EMPOWERMENT AND FAMILY WELL-BEING <p><em>Females constitute half of the world's population, yet their participation in the workforce remains significantly lower than that of men. Traditionally viewed as homemakers responsible for household chores and child-rearing, women face societal barriers when entering fields traditionally dominated by men, such as entrepreneurship. This study explores the motivations behind women's entry into entrepreneurship and its implications for family well-being. Using a qualitative methodology, the study investigates the experiences of 17 female entrepreneurs through in-depth interviews. The conceptual framework incorporates the independent variable motivation to start a business mediated by female empowerment, with family well-being as the dependent variable. The theoretical foundation is drawn from the Family Enrichment Theory and the Theory of Planned Behavior. Data was analyzed using thematic analysis to identify recurring patterns and insights. The findings highlight the significant role of motivation and entrepreneurial intentions in enhancing female empowerment and positively influencing family well-being. Socio-cultural factors emerged as pivotal in shaping these dynamics, revealing the unique challenges and opportunities faced by women entrepreneurs in Baluchistan study recommends fostering small, home-based enterprises and establishing skill development centers tailored to women. Additionally, providing micro-financing options could bring transformative socio-economic changes for tribal female entrepreneurs. The paper concludes with a discussion of the findings, offering practical suggestions and directions for future research.</em></p> Fozia Aslam, Muhammad Shahnawaz Adil Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 UNDERSTANDING THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHALLENGES OF WOMEN DOMESTIC WORKERS IN KARACHI <p><em>This study examines the socio-economic challenges faced by women employed as domestic help in Karachi, shedding light on a workforce that remains largely invisible yet indispensable to urban households. Despite their critical contributions to the functioning of urban families, these women often navigate a web of systemic inequalities and vulnerabilities. The research delves into key issues, including economic insecurity stemming from low and inconsistent wages, the absence of legal and social protections due to their classification in the informal labor sector, and the precarious working conditions marked by long hours and physical strain. Social stigma further compounds their plight, as domestic work is often undervalued and viewed as "low status" employment. The study also explores the disproportionate impact of crises like the COVID-19 pandemic, which exacerbated economic hardships and job insecurity for domestic workers. By highlighting these challenges, the research underscores the urgent need for policy interventions, such as formalizing domestic work through labor laws, ensuring social security measures, and promoting societal change to combat discrimination. Ultimately, the study aims to provide actionable recommendations to improve the livelihoods and dignity of women domestic workers in Karachi, contributing to broader discussions on labor rights and gender equality in Pakistan.</em></p> Muhammad Faisal Zia, Rehan Muzamil Butt, Imran Azeem , Muhammad Arshad Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EXPLORING THE EFFECT OF PRIVATE LABEL PRODUCTS ON RETAIL STORE IMAGE AND CONSUMER PERCEPTION <p><em>Private label products, or store brands, have become essential in shaping the identity and competitiveness of retail outlets. This study examines how private label attributes—packaging, price, quality, and variety, and availability— impact store image in a developing country context. The research was conducted in Karachi, Pakistan, using data collected from 279 respondents via a structured questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis was employed to evaluate the relationships between the independent variables and store image as the dependent variable. The findings highlight that packaging and price significantly influence the store image. Packaging, which serves as both a functional and visual cue, enhances consumer perceptions of product quality and store identity. Competitive pricing strategies, particularly in price-sensitive markets, positively affect the store’s perceived value and attractiveness. On the other hand, attributes such as quality, variety, and availability showed no significant impact, indicating that consumers in developing markets may prioritize external cues like packaging and pricing over intrinsic product attributes. These results emphasize the importance of packaging and pricing in retail strategies, offering actionable insights for retailers to improve their private label offerings and strengthen their overall store image. By investing in visually appealing packaging and adopting competitive pricing strategies, retailers can attract and retain consumers, driving customer loyalty and market differentiation.</em></p> Bushra Saleem, Imran Azeem, Muhammad Asif, Rehan Muzamil Butt Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DRUG ADDICTION AMONG CHILD LABORERS WORKING IN HOTELS OF KARACHI <p><em>Child labor remains a pressing issue in many urban centers, where vulnerable children are often exposed to hazardous environments and exploitation. This study focuses on understanding the prevalence and underlying factors of drug addiction among child laborers employed in hotels located in a residential area of Karachi named as Gulshan-e-Iqbal, that is a bustling area known for its high economic activity and diverse social landscape. The research examines how socio-economic conditions, workplace dynamics, and the accessibility of narcotics contribute to substance abuse among this marginalized group. Employing quantitative methods such as structured surveys and statistical analysis, the study aims to gauge the extent of drug addiction and identify key influencing factors. Additionally, the research delves into the psychosocial impacts of addiction on child laborers, shedding light on their health, safety, and future prospects. By uncovering these critical intersections, the study seeks to provide actionable insights for policymakers, non-governmental organizations, and local community leaders. The findings are expected to serve as a foundation for designing targeted interventions and preventive measures that address both child labor and drug abuse, ensuring the protection and well-being of affected children. This work aspires to contribute to the broader discourse on child rights and sustainable urban development.</em></p> Misbah Awan, Rais Ahmed, Nisar Ahmed, Saba Mubashir Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 RISING DRUG ADDICTION IN KARACHI’S SLUMS: WHAT SOCIAL WORKERS CAN DO Drug addiction is an escalating crisis in Karachi’s slums, affecting vulnerable populations due to poverty, unemployment, and lack of healthcare access. The absence of structured rehabilitation services and preventive measures has led to a surge in substance abuse, particularly among youth. This study investigates the root causes of rising drug addiction, analyzing economic hardships, peer pressure, mental health neglect, and gaps in social services. It further examines the role of social workers in addressing this crisis through prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation. Using qualitative and quantitative research methods, including interviews with social workers, community leaders, and recovering addicts, the study explores the effectiveness of current interventions and identifies areas for improvement. The findings highlight the urgent need for community-based solutions, improved access to rehabilitation, and policy advocacy. The research underscores the potential of social workers in harm reduction, reintegration efforts, and public-private collaboration, ultimately offering recommendations for a more sustainable approach to combating drug addiction in Karachi’s underserved areas. Rafia Jaweed, Atta Ur Rehman, Saba Mubashir, Misbah Awan Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 WORK-LIFE BALANCE FOR WORKING MOTHERS HOW DUAL RESPONSIBILITIES AFFECT PRODUCTIVITY AND WELL-BEING The increasing participation of women in the workforce has brought significant economic and social benefits, contributing to national development and gender equality. However, working mothers continue to face substantial challenges in balancing professional responsibilities and family obligations, which often leads to stress, burnout, and reduced productivity. This study explores the multifaceted impact of dual responsibilities on the productivity and overall well-being of working mothers in Karachi, Pakistan. By examining work-life balance (WLB) issues specific to this urban context, the research identifies key stressors such as societal expectations, workplace discrimination, and inadequate childcare support. It also highlights coping mechanisms employed by working mothers, including time management strategies, familial support, and flexible work arrangements. Additionally, the study evaluates the role of employer support systems, such as maternity leave policies, childcare facilities, and mental health resources, in mitigating these challenges. The findings aim to provide actionable insights for policymakers, employers, and civil society to design effective workplace policies and societal interventions that can enhance the work-life balance of mothers in urban Pakistan, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and equitable workforce. Nisar Ahmed Solangi, Rafia Jaweed, Misbah Parivish Awan, Saba Mubashir Copyright (c) 2024 Priority-The International Business Review Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000